Students with a verified disability are eligible to receive accommodations once they have submitted medical documentation that establishes the nature of a disability and/or health condition and describes its impact on the student in the educational environment. If you do not have access to documentation or it is pending, accommodations may be granted on a case-by-case basis and provided provisionally while documentation is pending. Please contact the Office of Student Access and Support Services (SASS) as outlined below.
Testing center
The campus offers a testing center which provides proctoring services by appointment for students who have registered with SASS. Please remember to work with your professors regarding exam accommodations and scheduling to ensure you are meeting your academic requirements.
Service and emotional support animals
Service animals are permitted in campus buildings if they meet the ADA definition of any animal individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability. This includes guiding individuals with impaired vision, alerting hearing-impaired individuals to intruders or sounds, providing minimal protection or rescue work, pulling a wheelchair, or retrieving dropped items.
Emotional support animals are not allowed in academic buildings or common spaces such as the library, labs, or dining facilities. Emotional support animals are allowed in student residence hall or apartment rooms with prior registration and approval.
Request an accommodation
- Complete the Northeastern Disability Resource Center (DRC) Student Disclosure Form (PDF).
- Email oaklandaccess@northeastern.edu stating that you are seeking accommodations and would like to schedule a meeting.
- If you have medical documentation and/or an IEP or 504 Plan, please submit your documentation in advance of your scheduled meeting. Documentation can be sent via email to oaklandaccess@northeastern.edu, via fax (510.430.3235), or hand delivered to the front desk in the Cowell Building. If necessary, submit a disability-specific disclosure form to be completed by a clinician (visit the Disability Resource Center’s website for the relevant documentation).
- Once your documentation is received, a SASS staff member will reach out to you to schedule an intake appointment to discuss your needs and accommodations. After this meeting, you will be able to request your accommodations online through the Disability Resource Center Portal. You will then be able to send a notification of accommodation to your faculty. No personal or medical information will be disclosed.
- If your accommodations include extended time and/or a distraction reduced environment for testing, you will need to make reservations for each test you take through the DRC Portal.
- Please note that you will need to re-request your accommodations through the DRC Portal each semester.
If you think that your accommodations need to be updated, please contact SASS and submit updated documentation.
Grievance policy
Any student who has questions about accommodations or who is dissatisfied with the kind of accommodations received, or how those accommodations are delivered, should contact the Student Access and Support Services Office as soon as possible to have the situation reviewed.